Are Many Ways of Practicing the Healing Art, but THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY THAT
HEAVEN APPROVES" is the original title of this study. The quotation can
be found in Testimonies, volume 5, page 443:1 and in Counsels on Health, page
323:2. The entire paragraph is very similar to Ministry of Healing, page
writing on this careful study began in the summer of 1957 and was completed
and published the following spring. It was prepared by a nurse in one of our
denominational hospitals on the east coast. She had both registration and a
baccalaureate in nursing science, as well as many years of nursing experience
in our denominational hospitals. At the time that this study was written and
printed, we lived in the some community as the author and publisher, whom we
knew. But today we have no way of locating either party. Both may now be
So we are reprinting this study. In this present edition, we have supplied
grammatical simplifications, along with all material that is enclosed within
following account is presented with the prayerful hope that it will help arouse
our people to the realization that "something is to be done" [Medical
Ministry, page 22] to reform our health practices so that we shall be able to
endure, both physically and spiritually, the rigors of the last days, for we are
fast approaching the Time of Trouble.
who leave the common track of custom, and advocate reform, will be opposed,
accounted mad, insane, radical, let them pursue ever so consistent a
course."-Testimonies, volume 2, page 377.
study has been prepared with a sincere desire to avoid extremes and still
present the facts in their stark, startling and appalling nature. An
illustration from the experience of a patient in one of our sanitariums* with
accompanying observations and quotations is given.
nurses often witness with emotions of frustration and embarrassment the
sufferings, discomfort, and sometimes death of many victims of drugging. These
might have been painlessly restored to radiant health by employing the
simple agencies of nature if our sanitariums* were fulfilling their raison
d'etre (reason for existence). Many of our own people can testify that they have
been prostrated by drugs (including modern miracle. drugs and antibiotics as the
chief offenders) and when given up by modern medics science, they have restored
by the often despised lowly herbs and rational treatment. 'The endless variety
of medicines in the market, the numerous advertisements of NEW drugs and
mixtures, all of which as they say, DO WONDERFUL cures, kill hundreds where
they benefit one."-E.G. White, in Disease and its Causes, page 72.
was called a “sanitarium” in 1957 is today called a hospital." A
“sanitarium" was originally a health institute where the ill could go
for restoration through the use of the simple remedies of nature. These were
generally located in retired areas in the country, being more conducive to the
proper recovery of the patients. Further details on this method of treatment
will be found in the book, "Ministry of Healing," by Ellen G. White,
and similar of her studies (such as "Counsels on Health," “Medical
Ministry," etc.)
we no longer have denominationally-owned "sanitariums" in North
America. Gradually, over the years, each of their names has been changed to
"hospital" in order to accurately identify them as acute-care
centers, with the facilities, medicines and methods of treatment such as one
would find in other modern medical centers.
world has been visited by the Majesty of heaven, the Son of God . . Christ came
to this world as the expression of the very heart and mind and nature and
character of God. Christ stands before us as the pattern Man the great Medical
Missionary, an example of all who should come after. .. When all our medical
missionaries shall live the renewed life in Christ Jesus, and shall take His
words as meaning all they are designed to mean, there will be a much clearer and
comprehensive an understanding of what constitutes genuine medical missionary
work .. It behooves every soul whose life is hid by Christ in God to come to the
front now. Something is to be done." -Medical
Ministry, from the chapter entitled, "The Divine Plan in the Medical
Missionary Work" (pages 19-22.)
on the contrast between God's revealed methods of medical missionary work and
the incomprehensible manner in which it is now practiced, has impelled the
following narrative of the unfortunate experience of a patient who came under my
care and observation a few weeks ago in one of our sanitariums.
patient was a refined and intelligent lady of some means. She was somewhat
apathetic and emotionally distressed. Her only apparent physical ailment was
some cervical arthritis. (The cervicals are the top seven bones of the spinal
column.) Over the past fifteen years she had been in and out of practically
every hospital in the city without appreciable improvement in her condition.
Her presence in our institution seemed to be an opportunity to demonstrate to
her the difference between the healing arts as practiced in worldly institutions
and those employed in our sanitarium. She seemed to feel that at last she was
in the right place and could look forward to improvement through the natural
therapy that she had heard was the method used at the sanitarium.
to her expectations, a mild hydrotherapy treatment was ordered for her. For
treatment of her cervical arthritis she was sent to the physiotherapy department
where she was seated in a straight, hard wooden chair with traction applied to
her head. (A device was fashioned to her head and a steady pull upward was then
exerted.] The order said "for one hour and longer as tolerated by the
patient." She tolerated this for about fifteen minutes until she started
hurting in other places worse than in her neck. The fomentations and diet she
had expected had not been used to treat the condition.
her medicinal program got under way, she would raise a quizzical eyebrow as new
medicines were brought into the room, but she swallowed them obediently with
little comment except that it was "a greater variety than she got in most
other hospitals." Following is a list of the medications she was receiving:
a synthetic or crystalline vitamin preparation-twice
a tranquilizing drug-four
times daily.
of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine: an appetizer-three
times daily.
B injection: once daily.
hormone injection: twice a week.
for sleep (Many patients make comments such as, "They bring me a sleeping
pill every night even when I tell them that sleep all right without it.")
for headache.
for which one of the mycins was substituted.
above is a fairly typical example of the drugs prescribed routinely for many
receiving more and some receiving less-according
to the one prescribing and the response of the patient.
taking the Equinil for over a week, the patient's hands and feet became very
red swollen and itchy. Next, a red rash appeared all over her body. The doctor
discontinued the Equinil as a causative factor of the rash, and gave an
antihistamine, Benadryl, four times daily to counteract the rash. A day or so
after starting the Benadryl the patient's temperature became elevated; she
became very dizzy, had severe head pains, and said she felt as if her jaws were
going to set (lock in place).
the pharmaceutical handbook to the antihistamines, I found listed as possible
harmful side effects the very reactions this patient was manifesting.
Furthermore, the handbook stated that the therapeutic value of the
antihistamines had not been established (there was no definite evidence that
they were of any particular value as a medication].
the patient had been on this drug program for a couple of weeks, she developed a
swelling in front of her right ear for which penicillin was ordered. On previous
occasions she had had allergic reactions to this wonder drug; so one of the
mycins was substituted. On a former bout with a mycin drug she had developed a
white. furry growth in her throat. (These fungus growths are resultant from
these fungus "wonder" drugs that have been orally administered. These
drugs are derived from a family of molds known as "pennicillium".)
same type of furry growth from one of the mycins caused one of my relatives to
choke to death. This fact may help explain my deep concern to warn against this
desperately hostile method of treating disease. No comment is needed on the
Elixir of Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, for Ellen White spoke of them in her day
as definitely harmful drugs. Quinine: Spiritual Gifts, Volume 4, Part A, page
139. Strychnine (nux vomica): page 138-139, Selected Messages, book 2, pages
446-447, 449.1
may think the allergic reaction of this particular patient to be unusual.
However, on the front of many patients charts are warnings stating, "This
patient is allergic to such and such a drug” -and then naming it. It would not
be a difficult assignment to compile a long list of victims who have had
critical reactions to practically all of the so-called "harmless"
drugs administered to patients.
disappointing experiences of such people as this patient who had come to our
sanitarium, and who in the words of Jeremiah 6:15, "looked ..for a time of
health, and behold trouble," gave me pause, and brought me to the realization
that I had a decision to make. Recently I had read in Prophets and Kings page
148: "The Lord abhors indifference and disloyalty in a time of crisis in
His work. The whole universe is watching with inexpressible interest the closing
scenes of the great controversy between good and evil. The people of God are
nearing the borders of the eternal world; what can be of more importance to them
than that they be loyal to the God of heaven."
training and medical ethics sometimes pose a problem for a Seventh-day Adventist
nurse to decide just where her loyalties lie. Should she carry out the doctor's
orders and administer drugs which she can plainly see are having an adverse
effect on the patient; or should she listen to the voice of conscience which has
been enlightened by a study of the Spirit of Prophecy writings regarding the
Satan-inspired practice of administering poisonous drugs to treat disease? A
nurse must often ponder and try to harmonize the instruction the Lord has given
in relation to medical missionary work and the contrary way it is carried on by
those to whom the Lord has so plainly revealed His methods of prevention and
entering training, a nurse takes the Florence Nightingale pledge part of which
says, “I will not knowingly administer any harmful drug." How can a Seventh-day
Adventist nurse who repeatedly observes the effects of the drugs on the patients
keep from violating this pledge? The nurse who has meditated on the Divine
Blueprint of healing cannot callously enter a sick room with a needle full of a
powerful drug which has been proven to have toxic effects on a full ten percent
of all patients who receive it-and which has brought instant death to many more.
Yet this drug is prescribed routinely for infection by most physicians.
reading the following quotations, a nurse must choose between subordination to
the orders of man or obedience to the laws of God.
was SHOWN that more deaths have been caused by drug taking than from all other
causes combined. If there was in the land one physician in the place of
thousands, a vast amount of premature mortality would be prevented. Multitudes
of physicians and multitudes of drugs, have cursed the inhabitants of the earth,
and carried thousands and tens of thousands to untimely
graves."-Spiritual Gifts, volume 4, page 133.
the use of poisonous drugs many bring upon themselves lifelong illness, and
many lives are lost that might be saved by natural methods of healing Let
physicians teach the people that restorative power is not in drugs, but in
nature."-Ministry of Healing, pages 126-127.
physician who depends upon drug medication in his practice shows than he does
not understand the delicate machinery of the human organism. He is introducing
into the system a seed crop that will never lose its destroying properties
throughout the lifetime. I tell you this because I dare not withhold it. Christ
paid too much for man's redemption to have his body so ruthlessly treated as it
has been by drug medication."-Medical Ministry, page 22.
drugs are introduced into the system, for a time they seem to have a beneficial
effect. A change may take place but the disease is not cured. It will manifest
itself in some other form. In nature's efforts to expel the drug from the
system, intense suffering is sometimes caused the patient. -Spiritual Gifts,
volume 4, page I35.
doubt, it is this seemingly beneficial initial effect of the drug which deceives
some undiscerning physicians and gives others carte blanche [a card of
permission] to administer these deceitful medicines.
are more who die from the use of drugs, than all who would have died of diseases
had nature been left to do her own work."-Spiritual Gifts, volume 4, page
medication is to be discarded. On this point the conscience of the Physician
must ever be kept tender, and true, and clean."-Medical Ministry, page 227.
ago the Lord revealed to me that institutions should be established (or the
treating of the sick without drugs.” Medical Ministry, page 227.
influence of the Spirit of God is the very best medicine that can be received by
a sick man or woman. "-Medical Ministry, page 12.
in drugs is very expensive business. Paralysis of the brain and tongue is often
the result, and the victims are an unnatural death, when, if they had been
treated perseveringly with unwearied, unrelaxed diligence with hot and cold
water, hot compresses, packs, and dripping sheet, they would be alive
today.”-Medical Ministry, page 228.
we are well aware, the Lord through His servant has given us many more warnings
against the use of drugs; some even more scathing than these.
are all acquainted with the answer of the doctors when these quotations are
called to their attention: "Sister White did not mean the wonderful
we have today. She was referring to the drugs used in her day before we had
these marvelous, modern, scientific discoveries." Did Sister White refer
ONLY to the drugs used in her day-or
did she include our modern drugs? We know that her definition of a
"drug" was a poisonous substance of a foreign nature. The statements
below, from well-known and recognized medical men will help answer this